Getting started - what's this all about?
Why do we need the Gospel message?
Many will say we do not. Others will say it is a fairy tale, a myth. Still others say it is just one way among many ways to get to Heaven.
But the Bible tells us that we need the Gospel message because we are a broken, sinful species, we are lost and destined for hell. But when or where does that message start in the Bible?
The entire Bible is is the story of Jesus and about the need for the Gospel (the “good news”), about God’s plan for the salvation of mankind from the beginning to the very end. The entirety of God’s Holy Word is the story of Jesus and the Good News of Him coming down from His throne in Heaven to give a path of salvation to a broken world. It is there from the very beginning; it includes God sending His Son to be born and placed in placed in a lowly manger; it leads to Jesus’ death on a cross, burial, and Him defeating death by rising from the dead; ascending back to Heaven to wait until God sends Him back to defeat Satan and reign over earth for 1000 years.
I invite you to follow along as I attempt to go through the Bible and show the Gospel from the very beginning in Genesis, to the very end in Revelation.
This will be a regular column, at least 1 per week - hopefully more, with some breaks and some sidetracks as I share thing's that are happening in my life along the way. But mostly I will focus the Gospel message found in the entirety of the Bible. I hope to make Jesus more of a focus in my life and the lives of any people who happen to humor me by reading my simple messages.
The first true post will be on Jan 1, 2024. I hope you will join me on the journey. Until then:
Read your Bible
Preach the Gospel
Everything else is chaff